Obtaining an Active TS/SCI Clearance with Polygraph For Job

Ten questions and answers about obtaining an active TS/SCI clearance with polygraph:

1. What is a TS/SCI clearance?

Answer: A Top Secret/Sensitive Compartmented Information (TS/SCI) clearance is one of the highest levels of security clearance in the United States, allowing access to highly sensitive national security information. It requires a thorough background check and additional approval for specific compartments of information.

2. Who can sponsor my application for a TS/SCI clearance?

Answer: Sponsorship typically comes from a government agency (such as the CIA, NSA, FBI, or DoD) or a defense contractor working on government projects. Employers must request the clearance on behalf of the employee.

3. What form must I complete to begin the TS/SCI clearance process?

Answer: The process begins with completing Standard Form 86 (SF-86), the Questionnaire for National Security Positions, which gathers detailed personal, financial, and professional information.

4. How long does the TS/SCI clearance process typically take?

Answer: The process can take several months to over a year, depending on various factors, including the complexity of your background, the backlog of investigations, and the thoroughness of the adjudication process.

5. What kind of polygraph tests are used for TS/SCI clearance?

Answer: There are generally two types of polygraph tests: the counterintelligence polygraph, which focuses on questions related to national security threats, and the lifestyle polygraph, which covers broader personal conduct issues.

6. What is the purpose of the polygraph examination in the clearance process?

Answer: The polygraph examination helps verify the truthfulness of the information provided by the applicant and assesses their suitability for access to sensitive information. It aims to identify any potential security risks.

7. What should I do to prepare for the polygraph test?

Answer: To prepare for the polygraph test, you should review your SF-86 form for accuracy, remain calm, and answer questions truthfully. Being well-rested and understanding the types of questions that may be asked can also help.

8. What happens if my TS/SCI clearance application is denied?

Answer: If your clearance application is denied, you and your employer will be notified of the reasons. You may have the opportunity to appeal the decision and provide additional information or clarification to address the concerns raised.

9. How often must a TS/SCI clearance be renewed?

Answer: A TS/SCI clearance must typically be renewed every five years. The renewal process involves a re-investigation similar to the initial clearance process to ensure the individual still meets the criteria for holding a clearance.

10. What are the key responsibilities of holding a TS/SCI clearance?

Answer: Key responsibilities include adhering to protocols for handling classified information, maintaining personal conduct that supports continued eligibility for clearance, and promptly reporting any changes in personal circumstances that could affect clearance status.

Having an active US Government Top Secret/Sensitive Compartmentalized Information (TS/SCI) security clearance with a polygraph indicates that you have undergone a rigorous background check and have been deemed trustworthy to access highly sensitive national security information. This clearance is necessary for certain positions in government agencies, defense contractors, and other organizations that deal with classified information. Here’s a brief overview of what this entails:

TS/SCI Security Clearance

  • Top Secret (TS): This is one of the highest levels of security clearance, involving a thorough background check, including a review of personal history, financial status, and possible interviews with personal contacts.
  • Sensitive Compartmented Information (SCI): This is a subset of classified information concerning specific national security topics. Access to SCI requires additional approval beyond a TS clearance, often referred to as being “read into” certain compartments.
  • Polygraph: As part of the clearance process, a polygraph (lie detector) test is often required to further assess trustworthiness and truthfulness. There are two types of polygraphs commonly used:
    • Counterintelligence Polygraph: Focuses on questions related to espionage, sabotage, terrorism, and unauthorized disclosure of classified information.
    • Lifestyle Polygraph: May cover a broader range of topics, including personal conduct and drug use.

Importance and Uses

  • National Security: Ensures that individuals with access to critical information can be trusted to protect it.
  • Eligibility: Required for certain roles within the Department of Defense (DoD), Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), National Security Agency (NSA), and other federal agencies or contractors that handle classified information.
  • Renewal and Continuous Evaluation: Clearances must be periodically renewed, and holders may be subject to continuous evaluation to ensure ongoing trustworthiness.


  1. Application: Submission of the Standard Form (SF) 86, detailing personal, financial, and professional history.
  2. Background Investigation: Conducted by the Defense Counterintelligence and Security Agency (DCSA) or other authorized body, including interviews and checks with various databases.
  3. Polygraph Examination: Conducted by trained examiners to verify the truthfulness of the applicant’s disclosures.
  4. Adjudication: Final determination made by an adjudicating authority, considering all gathered information.

Implications for Career

  • Highly Valued: This clearance is highly sought after and can open doors to specialized and high-paying jobs in various sectors.
  • Responsibilities: Holders must adhere to strict protocols for handling classified information and report any personal changes that might affect their clearance status.

If you have an active TS/SCI clearance with polygraph, it signifies a high level of trust and responsibility. It is crucial to maintain this status by adhering to all guidelines and reporting requirements.

An active US Government Top Secret/Sensitive Compartmentalized Information (TS/SCI) security clearance with polygraph is often a requirement for certain job positions, particularly those involving national security, defense, intelligence, and other sensitive areas. Here are some key points regarding its necessity for applying to jobs:

Job Requirements

  1. Government Agencies: Many positions within agencies such as the Department of Defense (DoD), Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), National Security Agency (NSA), Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), and others explicitly require an active TS/SCI clearance with polygraph due to the sensitive nature of the work.
  2. Defense Contractors: Companies that work on defense contracts or with classified information often require employees to have a TS/SCI clearance. Examples include Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman, and Raytheon.
  3. Cybersecurity Roles: Jobs in cybersecurity, especially those involving the protection of national infrastructure or government networks, may also require this level of clearance.

Job Application Process

  • Job Listings: The requirement for a TS/SCI clearance is typically stated explicitly in job postings. It will often be listed under “qualifications” or “requirements.”
  • Current Clearance Holders: Preference may be given to applicants who already possess the necessary clearance, as it saves time and resources for the employer.
  • Clearance Sponsorship: In some cases, employers are willing to sponsor the clearance process for highly qualified candidates, although this can be time-consuming and costly.

Why Employers Require It

  • Access to Classified Information: The clearance ensures that employees can be trusted with sensitive information that could impact national security if disclosed.
  • Operational Readiness: Employees need to be ready to handle classified information immediately upon starting their roles.
  • Legal Compliance: Employers must comply with federal regulations regarding the handling of classified information.

If You Don’t Have the Clearance

  • Sponsorship: Some employers might sponsor your clearance if you meet other job qualifications. This process can take several months to over a year.
  • Non-Cleared Positions: Consider applying for positions that do not require clearance initially, and then seek to move into roles requiring clearance once you gain employment with an organization that can sponsor you.

How to Indicate Clearance on a Resume

If you possess an active TS/SCI clearance with polygraph, it should be prominently listed on your resume, typically at the top or in a dedicated section such as:

Security Clearance: Active Top Secret/Sensitive Compartmentalized Information (TS/SCI) with Polygraph

This informs potential employers upfront about your eligibility for positions requiring this level of clearance.

An active TS/SCI clearance with polygraph is often a prerequisite for jobs involving highly sensitive information in government and defense sectors. Having this clearance makes you a competitive candidate for these roles. If you do not yet have this clearance but are interested in such positions, consider seeking employment with organizations willing to sponsor your clearance process.

Obtaining an active Top Secret/Sensitive Compartmented Information (TS/SCI) clearance with a polygraph involves several steps and requires sponsorship from an employer, typically a government agency or a contractor working on government projects. Here’s a detailed guide on how to navigate this process:

Steps to Obtain TS/SCI Clearance with Polygraph

  1. Find a Sponsoring Employer
    • Job Application: You need to be hired for a position that requires a TS/SCI clearance. Government agencies (such as the CIA, NSA, FBI, DoD) and defense contractors (like Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman) often have these positions.
    • Job Offer: The employer will initiate the clearance process for you once they decide to hire you.
  2. Complete the SF-86 Form
    • Standard Form 86 (SF-86): This is the Questionnaire for National Security Positions. It requires detailed information about your background, including personal information, education, employment history, residences, financial history, foreign contacts, and travel.
    • Accuracy and Honesty: It is crucial to fill out this form accurately and honestly, as discrepancies can lead to denial of clearance.
  3. Background Investigation
    • Investigation Initiation: Once you submit the SF-86, the sponsoring agency will initiate a background investigation.
    • Interviews and Checks: Investigators will conduct interviews with you, your references, neighbors, and past employers. They will also verify your records, including criminal, financial, and personal history.
  4. Polygraph Examination
    • Scheduling: You will be scheduled for a polygraph examination. The type of polygraph can vary:
      • Counterintelligence Polygraph: Focuses on questions related to espionage, sabotage, terrorism, and unauthorized disclosure of classified information.
      • Lifestyle Polygraph: May include broader questions about personal conduct, drug use, and other behaviors.
    • Examination: A trained polygraph examiner will ask you questions while monitoring your physiological responses to determine truthfulness.
  5. Adjudication
    • Review: Once the investigation and polygraph are completed, the gathered information is reviewed by an adjudicating authority.
    • Decision: The adjudicator will make a determination based on the whole-person concept, evaluating whether granting you clearance is in the best interest of national security.
  6. Notification
    • Outcome: You and your employer will be notified of the clearance decision. If granted, you will receive an active TS/SCI clearance.
    • Clearance Denial: If denied, you may be provided with the reasons and, in some cases, the opportunity to appeal the decision.

Maintaining Your Clearance

  • Continuous Evaluation: Maintain good conduct and report any changes in your personal situation that could affect your clearance.
  • Renewal: TS/SCI clearances typically need to be renewed every five years. This involves a re-investigation process similar to the initial clearance.

Tips for Success

  • Prepare Thoroughly: Before filling out the SF-86, gather all required documents and information to ensure accuracy.
  • Be Honest: Full disclosure is crucial. Attempts to hide information can lead to denial or revocation of clearance.
  • Understand the Process: Familiarize yourself with the steps involved so you know what to expect at each stage.

Applying for a Top Secret/Sensitive Compartmented Information (TS/SCI) clearance involves a rigorous process where mistakes can lead to delays, complications, or denial of the clearance.

Here are common mistakes to avoid when Applying for a Top Secret/Sensitive Compartmented Information (TS/SCI) clearance:

1. Incomplete or Inaccurate SF-86 Form

  • Mistake: Omitting or providing incorrect information.
  • Solution: Carefully review and double-check all details before submission.

2. Lack of Honesty

  • Mistake: Misrepresenting or withholding information.
  • Solution: Be completely truthful about all aspects of your history, as honesty is crucial.

3. Inadequate Preparation for the Polygraph

  • Mistake: Failing to prepare mentally and emotionally for the polygraph test.
  • Solution: Understand the types of questions that will be asked and approach the test calmly.

4. Poor Financial Management

  • Mistake: Having unresolved debts or a history of financial irresponsibility.
  • Solution: Maintain good financial habits and address any issues before applying.

5. Not Reporting Foreign Contacts

  • Mistake: Failing to disclose foreign contacts or travel.
  • Solution: Report all foreign connections accurately on the SF-86 form.

6. Ignoring Legal Issues

  • Mistake: Overlooking past legal problems or not reporting them.
  • Solution: Disclose any legal issues, including arrests and convictions, even if they were minor or expunged.

7. Insufficient Documentation

  • Mistake: Not providing required documents or records.
  • Solution: Gather all necessary documentation ahead of time, including employment records, educational transcripts, and financial statements.

8. Neglecting to Update Information

  • Mistake: Failing to update the clearance application with new information or changes.
  • Solution: Promptly report any changes in personal circumstances, such as address changes, marital status, or employment.

9. Inconsistent References

  • Mistake: Providing references who give inconsistent or contradictory information.
  • Solution: Inform your references about the clearance process and ensure they are aware of your background and history.

10. Poor Personal Conduct

  • Mistake: Engaging in behavior that could be seen as a security risk, such as drug use or criminal activity.
  • Solution: Maintain a lifestyle that aligns with the expectations of holding a high-level security clearance.

By avoiding these common mistakes and ensuring thorough preparation, applicants can improve their chances of successfully obtaining a TS/SCI clearance with polygraph.


Obtaining an active TS/SCI clearance with a polygraph requires sponsorship from an employer, a thorough background investigation, and successfully passing a polygraph examination. It’s a rigorous process designed to ensure that individuals trusted with sensitive information are thoroughly vetted and reliable.


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