Job Opportunities at Global Onkolab Farma, Bank Sinarmas, and PT. Rumah Sakit PELNI

Job Positions and Details

1. Pharmacist at Global Onkolab Farma

  • Company: Global Onkolab Farma, a Kalbe Company
  • Position: Pharmacist
  • Location: Pulo Gadung, Jakarta
  • Requirements:
    • Minimum 1 year of experience in a related position (fresh graduates are welcome).
    • Interested in the pharmacy industry, especially in production.
    • Willing to work from the office (WFO) in Pulo Gadung.
  • Application: Apply via bit.ly/LamaranGOF2024
  • Contact: General HR Department

2. IT Support at MSBU – Tech Staffing & Recruiting

  • Company: MSBU – Tech Staffing & Recruiting
  • Position: IT Support
  • Locations: Lubuklinggau, Sudirman Prabumulih, PT OPP Mills Oki, Imam Bonjol, and Sutomo
  • Requirements:
    • Minimum education of SMK (TKJ/RPL) or S1 (Computer Science and related fields).
    • Experience in software installation.
    • Experience in data migration between computers.
    • Local residency in the respective areas.
  • Note: This is a paid freelance position.
  • Application: Send your CV to [email protected] (Format: IT Support – City of Residence) or via WhatsApp to 0823-4050-0179
  • Contact: Rolinda Septi Mardiana, Tech & Non-Tech Recruiter | Talent Acquisition

3. Medical Record Staff at PT. Rumah Sakit PELNI

  • Company: PT. Rumah Sakit PELNI
  • Position: Medical Record Staff
  • Location: Jakarta
  • Requirements:
    • Minimum education of D3 in Medical Record
    • Maximum age of 27 years
    • Active STR
    • High integrity
    • Good communication skills
    • Ability to work individually or in a team
    • High work motivation
    • Willing to work according to set targets
    • Ability to implement health protocols independently and diligently
    • Attach health check-up/MCU data (max. 2 years)
  • Special Requirements:
    • Ability to assign disease and action codes using ICD 10 and ICD 9 CM
    • Management of medical record services and health information as per professional standards
  • Application: Send your application to [email protected] (Subject: Your Name_Position) by June 15, 2024
  • Contact: General HR Department

4. Nutritionist at PT. Rumah Sakit PELNI

  • Company: PT. Rumah Sakit PELNI
  • Position: Nutritionist
  • Location: Jakarta
  • Requirements:
    • S1 in Nutrition
    • Preferred experience in the same field
    • Active STR
    • Maximum age of 27 years
    • High integrity
    • Good communication skills
    • Ability to work individually or in a team
    • High work motivation
    • Ability to implement health protocols independently and diligently
    • Willing to work in shifts
    • Attach health check-up/MCU data (max. 2 years)
  • Special Requirements:
    • NCP Basic and HACCP training certificates
    • Ability to perform anthropometric measurements
    • Ability to maintain hygiene and sanitation standards in food production areas
  • Application: Send your application to [email protected] (Subject: Your Name_Position) by June 15, 2024
  • Contact: General HR Department

5. Doctor at PT. Rumah Sakit PELNI

  • Company: PT. Rumah Sakit PELNI
  • Position: Doctor
  • Location: Jakarta
  • Requirements:
    • S1 in Medical Profession
    • Fresh graduates or experience in the same field
    • Maximum age of 30 years
    • Active STR
    • High integrity
    • High work motivation
    • Good communication skills
    • Willing to work in shifts
    • Ability to work in a team
    • Ability to implement health protocols independently and diligently
    • Attach health check-up/MCU data (max. 2 years)
  • Special Requirements:
    • ACLS and ATLS certificates
    • Ability to provide quality healthcare services (physical examinations, diagnosis, and appropriate therapy recommendations)
    • Ability to perform appropriate medical actions
  • Application: Send your application to [email protected] (Subject: Your Name_Position) by June 15, 2024
  • Contact: General HR Department


Indonesian Version

Posisi dan Detail Pekerjaan

1. Apoteker di Global Onkolab Farma

  • Perusahaan: Global Onkolab Farma, a Kalbe Company
  • Posisi: Apoteker
  • Lokasi: Pulo Gadung, Jakarta
  • Persyaratan:
    • Pengalaman minimal 1 tahun di posisi terkait (lulusan baru dipersilakan melamar).
    • Tertarik dengan industri farmasi, khususnya produksi.
    • Bersedia bekerja dari kantor (WFO) di Pulo Gadung.
  • Cara Melamar: Lamar melalui bit.ly/LamaranGOF2024
  • Kontak: Departemen HR Umum

2. IT Support di MSBU – Tech Staffing & Recruiting

  • Perusahaan: MSBU – Tech Staffing & Recruiting
  • Posisi: IT Support
  • Lokasi: Lubuklinggau, Sudirman Prabumulih, PT OPP Mills Oki, Imam Bonjol, dan Sutomo
  • Persyaratan:
    • Pendidikan minimal SMK (TKJ/RPL) atau S1 (Ilmu Komputer dan bidang terkait).
    • Berpengalaman dalam instalasi perangkat lunak (software).
    • Berpengalaman dalam migrasi data antara komputer.
    • Berdomisili di area terkait.
  • Catatan: Ini adalah posisi freelance berbayar.
  • Cara Melamar: Kirim CV ke [email protected] (Format: IT Support – Kota Domisili) atau melalui WhatsApp ke 0823-4050-0179
  • Kontak: Rolinda Septi Mardiana, Tech & Non-Tech Recruiter | Talent Acquisition

3. Petugas Rekam Medis di PT. Rumah Sakit PELNI

  • Perusahaan: PT. Rumah Sakit PELNI
  • Posisi: Petugas Rekam Medis
  • Lokasi: Jakarta
  • Persyaratan:
    • Pendidikan minimal D3 Rekam Medis
    • Usia maksimal 27 tahun
    • STR aktif
    • Memiliki integritas tinggi
    • Kemampuan komunikasi yang baik
    • Mampu bekerja secara individu maupun dalam tim
    • Motivasi kerja tinggi
    • Bersedia bekerja sesuai target yang ditentukan
    • Mampu menerapkan protokol kesehatan secara mandiri dan disiplin
    • Melampirkan data pemeriksaan kesehatan/MCU maksimal 2 tahun
  • Persyaratan Khusus:
    • Mampu menetapkan kode penyakit dan tindakan menggunakan ICD 10 dan ICD 9 CM
    • Manajemen pelayanan rekam medis dan informasi kesehatan sesuai standar profesi
  • **

Cara Melamar**: Kirim lamaran ke [email protected] (Subjek: Nama Anda_Posisi) hingga 15 Juni 2024
Kontak: Departemen HR Umum

4. Ahli Gizi di PT. Rumah Sakit PELNI

  • Perusahaan: PT. Rumah Sakit PELNI
  • Posisi: Ahli Gizi
  • Lokasi: Jakarta
  • Persyaratan:
    • S1 Gizi
    • Diutamakan berpengalaman di bidang yang sama
    • STR aktif
    • Usia maksimal 27 tahun
    • Integritas tinggi
    • Kemampuan komunikasi yang baik
    • Mampu bekerja secara individu maupun dalam tim
    • Motivasi kerja tinggi
    • Mampu menerapkan protokol kesehatan secara mandiri dan disiplin
    • Bersedia bekerja dalam sistem shift
    • Melampirkan data pemeriksaan kesehatan/MCU maksimal 2 tahun
  • Persyaratan Khusus:
    • Sertifikat pelatihan NCP Basic dan HACCP
    • Mampu melakukan pengukuran antropometri
    • Mampu bekerja dengan standar hygiene sanitasi di area produksi makanan
  • Cara Melamar: Kirim lamaran ke [email protected] (Subjek: Nama Anda_Posisi) hingga 15 Juni 2024
  • Kontak: Departemen HR Umum

5. Dokter di PT. Rumah Sakit PELNI

  • Perusahaan: PT. Rumah Sakit PELNI
  • Posisi: Dokter
  • Lokasi: Jakarta
  • Persyaratan:
    • S1 Profesi Dokter
    • Lulusan baru atau berpengalaman di bidang yang sama
    • Usia maksimal 30 tahun
    • STR aktif
    • Integritas tinggi
    • Motivasi kerja tinggi
    • Kemampuan komunikasi yang baik
    • Bersedia bekerja dalam shift
    • Mampu bekerja dalam tim
    • Mampu menerapkan protokol kesehatan secara mandiri dan disiplin
    • Melampirkan data pemeriksaan kesehatan/MCU maksimal 2 tahun
  • Persyaratan Khusus:
    • Sertifikat ACLS dan ATLS
    • Mampu memberikan pelayanan kesehatan yang bermutu (pemeriksaan fisik, diagnosa, dan rekomendasi terapi yang sesuai)
    • Mampu melakukan tindakan medis yang sesuai
  • Cara Melamar: Kirim lamaran ke [email protected] (Subjek: Nama Anda_Posisi) hingga 15 Juni 2024
  • Kontak: Departemen HR Umum