Various Job Openings in Indonesia: Sales Executive, Engineering Professionals, Warehouse Administration, and More

Job Positions and Company Details

1. Sales Executive at PT. Guna Bakti Unggul

  • Company: PT. Guna Bakti Unggul
  • Job Location: Java Island, Indonesia
  • Qualifications:
    • Male/Female, maximum 38 years old
    • Minimum education: High School (SMA/SMK)
    • Well-groomed and attractive appearance
    • Preferably with at least 1 year of sales experience
    • Able to work individually and in a team
    • Must have a motorcycle and a valid driving license (SIM C)
  • How to Apply:
    • Drop CV, Paklaring (work reference), and SKCK (police clearance certificate) to:
      • PT. Guna Bakti Unggul
      • Jl. Pembangunan 3 No.29, RT.006/RW.004, Batusari, Kec. Batuceper, Kota Tangerang, Banten 15121
    • Write the job code on the top right corner of the envelope
  • Contact:, email: recruitment.gbuplast

2. Engineering Professionals at PT. Aarvi Encon Services Indonesia

  • Company: PT. Aarvi Encon Services Indonesia
  • Job Location: Qatar
  • Contract Duration: 12 months (extendable)
  • Qualifications:
    • Indonesian nationality
    • Over 10 years of experience in respective fields
    • Positions available:
      1. Senior Telecom Design Engineer
      2. Senior Structural Designer (S3D software experience)
      3. Senior Electrical Design Engineer
      4. Senior Electrical Designer (S3D software experience)
      5. Senior Instrumentation Designer (S3D software experience)
  • How to Apply: Send CV to [email protected]

3. Warehouse Administration at PT. Daya Kobelco Construction Machinery Indonesia

  • Company: PT. Daya Kobelco Construction Machinery Indonesia
  • Job Location: Balikpapan, East Kalimantan
  • Qualifications:
    • Minimum Bachelor’s Degree from a reputable university
    • Preferably with experience in an automotive company
    • Proficient in MS Office/Open Office
    • Willing to be placed in Balikpapan
  • How to Apply: Send updated CV to [email protected] and cc to [email protected] with the subject “WH Balikpapan – Name”

4. Administration Staff at Mayora Group

  • Company: Mayora Group
  • Job Locations: Headquarter in Daan Mogot, Jakarta Barat, and Factory in Tangerang
  • Qualifications:
    • Maximum age: 28 years
    • Minimum education: High School (SMA/SMK)
    • Fresh graduates are welcome
    • Proficient in Microsoft Office
    • Accurate, detailed, and communicative
    • Experience as an admin is a plus
  • How to Apply: Send CV to [email protected] with subject “Admin_Name” (Max. size 1.5MB). Application period: 5 – 21 June 2024

5. Promo Unit Head at Mayora Group

  • Company: Mayora Group
  • Job Location: Headquarter in Daan Mogot, Jakarta Barat
  • Qualifications:
    • Maximum age: 35 years
    • Minimum education: Bachelor’s degree in Accounting/Finance
    • Able to prepare financial projection reports
    • Proficient in Microsoft Office
    • Minimum 2 years of experience in a related field
  • How to Apply: Send CV to [email protected] with subject “Claimpromo_Name” (Max. size 1.5MB). Application period: 5 – 21 June 2024

Daftar Posisi Pekerjaan dan Detail Perusahaan

1. Sales Executive di PT. Guna Bakti Unggul

  • Perusahaan: PT. Guna Bakti Unggul
  • Lokasi Kerja: Pulau Jawa, Indonesia
  • Kualifikasi:
    • Pria/Wanita, maksimal 38 tahun
    • Pendidikan minimal SMA/SMK
    • Berpenampilan rapih dan menarik
    • Diutamakan berpengalaman minimal 1 tahun sebagai sales
    • Mampu bekerja secara individu maupun tim
    • Wajib memiliki kendaraan roda dua dan SIM C
  • Cara Melamar:
    • Kirim CV, Paklaring, dan SKCK ke:
      • PT. Guna Bakti Unggul
      • Jl. Pembangunan 3 No.29, RT.006/RW.004, Batusari, Kec. Batuceper, Kota Tangerang, Banten 15121
    • Tulis kode jabatan di pojok kanan atas amplop
  • Kontak:, email: recruitment.gbuplast

2. Profesional Teknik di PT. Aarvi Encon Services Indonesia

  • Perusahaan: PT. Aarvi Encon Services Indonesia
  • Lokasi Kerja: Qatar
  • Durasi Kontrak: 12 bulan (dapat diperpanjang)
  • Kualifikasi:
    • Warga negara Indonesia
    • Pengalaman lebih dari 10 tahun di bidang terkait
    • Posisi yang tersedia:
      1. Senior Telecom Design Engineer
      2. Senior Structural Designer (pengalaman software S3D)
      3. Senior Electrical Design Engineer
      4. Senior Electrical Designer (pengalaman software S3D)
      5. Senior Instrumentation Designer (pengalaman software S3D)
  • Cara Melamar: Kirim CV ke [email protected]

3. Administrasi Gudang di PT. Daya Kobelco Construction Machinery Indonesia

  • Perusahaan: PT. Daya Kobelco Construction Machinery Indonesia
  • Lokasi Kerja: Balikpapan, Kalimantan Timur
  • Kualifikasi:
    • Minimal S1 dari universitas terkemuka
    • Diutamakan memiliki pengalaman di perusahaan otomotif
    • Menguasai MS Office/Open Office
    • Bersedia ditempatkan di Balikpapan
  • Cara Melamar: Kirim CV terbaru ke [email protected] dan cc ke [email protected] dengan subjek “WH Balikpapan – Nama”

4. Staf Administrasi di Mayora Group

  • Perusahaan: Mayora Group
  • Lokasi Kerja: Kantor Pusat di Daan Mogot, Jakarta Barat dan Pabrik di Tangerang
  • Kualifikasi:
    • Usia maksimal 28 tahun
    • Pendidikan minimal SMA/SMK
    • Fresh graduate dipersilahkan melamar
    • Menguasai Microsoft Office
    • Mampu bekerja akurat, detail, dan komunikatif
    • Pengalaman sebagai admin lebih disukai
  • Cara Melamar: Kirim CV ke [email protected] dengan subjek “Admin_Nama” (Ukuran maksimal 1.5MB). Periode lamaran: 5 – 21 Juni 2024

5. Kepala Unit Promo di Mayora Group

  • Perusahaan: Mayora Group
  • Lokasi Kerja: Kantor Pusat di Daan Mogot, Jakarta Barat
  • Kualifikasi:
    • Usia maksimal 35 tahun
    • Pendidikan minimal S1 Akuntansi/Keuangan
    • Mampu membuat laporan proyeksi keuangan
    • Menguasai Microsoft Office
    • Pengalaman minimal 2 tahun di bidang terkait
  • Cara Melamar: Kirim CV ke [email protected] dengan subjek “Claimpromo_Nama” (Ukuran maksimal 1.5MB). Periode lamaran: 5 – 21 Juni 2024


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