Lowongan Kerja Karyawan Pabrik PT Telkom Great People Trainee Program (GPTP)

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Lowongan Kerja Karyawan Pabrik PT Telkom Great People Trainee Program (GPTP) of Indonesia Nagri Kidul, Kabupaten Purwakarta, Jawa Barat


Pekerjaan tetap
PT Telkom Great People Trainee Program (GPTP) of Indonesia
Nagri Kidul, Kabupaten Purwakarta, Jawa Barat



Lowongan Kerja PT Linknet,Tbk FIRST MEDIA Bandung & Purwakarta April 2022 - Info Loker Bandung Terbaru 2023


Job Description:

PT Telkom Great People Trainee Program (GPTP)

The PT Telkom Great People Trainee Program (GPTP) is a program offered by PT Telkom Indonesia (Persero) Tbk, a state-owned enterprise in Indonesia. It aims to recruit and train talented individuals to become permanent employees of Telkom.

Search Results:

  1. The 15th batch of the Great People Trainee Program (GPTP) was officially announced on April 18, 2022, as part of the State-Owned Enterprise (SOEs) joint recruitment program [1]. The recruited applicants who pass the selection process will become Telkom's permanent employees and participate in the on-boarding program for new employees [2].

  2. The program offers on-the-job training and development opportunities to its participants, preparing them to become future leaders in the digital industry [6]. The trainees undergo a six-month training period in various business areas relevant to their skills and interests [6]. At the end of the program, trainees have the opportunity to secure permanent positions at Telkom [6].

  3. The GPTP aims to optimize job performance and unlock fast-track career opportunities in the telecommunications industry [4]. It provides trainees with the fundamentals of management and equips them with the necessary skills to succeed in their roles [5].

To learn more about the PT Telkom Great People Trainee Program (GPTP), you can visit Telkom Indonesia's official website [8].

Note: The reference numbers in square brackets are for citation purposes.

The PT Telkom Great People Trainee Program (GPTP) is a program offered by PT Telkom Indonesia (Persero) Tbk, a state-owned telecommunications company in Indonesia. It aims to develop and nurture future leaders within the company. The program provides on-the-job training and career development opportunities for selected individuals.

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Some information about the PT Telkom Great People Trainee Program:

  1. The program offers a comprehensive on-boarding experience for new employees at Telkom [1].

  2. Successful applicants who are recruited into the program become permanent employees of Telkom [2].

  3. The Great People Trainee Program (GPTP) is divided into batches or "angkatan" [1].

  4. The program is designed to accelerate the digitization efforts of Telkom [2].

  5. The GPTP has been referred to as the 15th batch of the program [1].

  6. The recruitment process for the program typically takes place through the official website of Telkom [3].

  7. The GPTP is geared towards unlocking fast-track career opportunities in the telecommunication industry [4].

  8. There are tips and tricks available to optimize job performance as a GPTP trainee [4].

  9. The program focuses on training and developing management trainees [5].

It is important to note that information up until April 2022, and there may have been updates or changes to the program since then. For the most accurate and up-to-date information, it is recommended to visit the official website of PT Telkom Indonesia or contact their human resources department directly.

Program Great People Trainee (GPT) PT Telkom Indonesia adalah program yang ditawarkan oleh PT Telkom Indonesia (Persero) Tbk, perusahaan telekomunikasi milik negara di Indonesia. Program ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan dan membina calon pemimpin di dalam perusahaan. Program ini menyediakan pelatihan dan pengembangan karier bagi individu yang terpilih.

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Berikut ini adalah beberapa informasi mengenai Program Great People Trainee PT Telkom Indonesia:

  1. Program ini menawarkan pengalaman on-boarding yang komprehensif bagi karyawan baru di Telkom [1].

  2. Pelamar yang berhasil direkrut menjadi karyawan tetap Telkom [2].

  3. Program Great People Trainee (GPT) dibagi menjadi angkatan-angkatan [1].

  4. Program ini dirancang untuk mempercepat upaya digitalisasi Telkom [2].

  5. GPTP disebut sebagai angkatan ke-15 dari program tersebut [1].

  6. Proses perekrutan untuk program ini biasanya dilakukan melalui website resmi Telkom [3].

  7. Program GPTP bertujuan untuk membuka peluang karier cepat di industri telekomunikasi [4].

  8. Terdapat tips dan trik yang tersedia untuk mengoptimalkan kinerja sebagai peserta GPTP [4].

  9. Program ini difokuskan pada pelatihan dan pengembangan manajemen trainee [5].

Perlu diperhatikan informasi hingga April 2022, dan mungkin telah ada pembaruan atau perubahan pada program tersebut sejak saat itu. Untuk informasi yang paling akurat dan terkini, disarankan untuk mengunjungi website resmi PT Telkom Indonesia atau menghubungi departemen sumber daya manusia mereka secara langsung.

Program Great People Trainee (GPT) PT Telkom Indonesia adalah program yang ditawarkan oleh PT Telkom Indonesia (Persero) Tbk, sebuah perusahaan telekomunikasi milik negara di Indonesia. Program ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan dan membina para pemimpin masa depan dalam perusahaan. Program ini menyediakan pelatihan di tempat kerja dan peluang pengembangan karir bagi individu yang terpilih.


  1. Berita Telkom Indonesia - Program Great People Trainee
  2. Berita Telkom Indonesia - Percepat Digitalisasi, Telkom Buka 250 Posisi di 11 Bidang Pekerjaan
  3. CNBC Indonesia - Telkom Buka 250 Posisi untuk 11 Bidang di Rekrutmen BUMN
  4. Glints - Seri Management Trainee: Program Great People Trainee Telkom Indonesia (GPTP) sebagai Fast Track Karir Anda



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Nagri Kidul, Kabupaten Purwakarta, Jawa Barat ID



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